School Bus Safety Tips

Stay Safe With These Tips From G & L Student Transportation

Have a safe place to wait for your bus, away from traffic and the street.
Stay away from the bus until it comes to a complete stop and the driver signals you to enter.
When being dropped off, exit the bus and walk ten giant steps away from the bus.Keep a safe distance between you and the bus. Also, remember that the bus driver can see you best when you are back away from the bus.
Use the handrail to enter and exit the bus.
Stay away from the bus until the driver gives his/her signal that it's okay to approach.
Be aware of the street traffic around you. Drivers are required to follow certain rules of the road concerning school buses, however, not all do. Protect yourself and watch out!

Please take some time to speak to your students/children about the following school bus rules:

Be on time
Never run to or from the bus
Stand back from the curb or roadway
Do not push or shove
Stay in your seat
Do not yell or shout
Always obey the driver
Always cross at least 10 feet in front of the bus